Integrity is at the forefront of our minds and we want to be completely honest and transparent regarding all of our practices. We are an open book and want to help educate the industry and our customers as much as possible.
OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) listed means that the product is approved for organic production. ALL of our pesticide products used are approved for organic production besides Hormex #8. The active ingredient in Hormex #8 is IBA or Indole-3 Butyric Acid. This product is an exception for many organic certifications (Kind Certification, Clean Green Certification, etc.) because it is a safe and necessary part of commercial plant production, where there are no comparable alternatives currently available in the industry. It is only used at one time in a plant’s life, at the earliest phase; rooting.
We utilize a multi-faceted approach to our extensive IPM program including the implementation of beneficial insects, starting from the early stages of plant development, to reduce the use of pesticides as much as possible.
The pesticides we do use, are used properly; at minimal effective concentrations, only in the early stages of plant development, never sprayed on flowers, with respect given to PHI (pre-harvest intervals), half-lives, systemic and translocation potential, etc. The proper use of these pesticides and execution of IPM protocols effectively reduces the possibility of the occurrence of mold, mildew, insect pests, etc. Ultimately, leading to a higher quality, cleaner and purer end product and experience to the consumer.
This regimen has been designed to consistently produce top quality products while also maintaining a standardized set of pesticides for all of our plants. We strive to provide complete transparency of any and all possible courses of action, reserving the right to utilize any of these products as we may find necessary to produce the healthiest and cleanest crop possible.
We guarantee no harmful pesticide residues on our products.
Azaguard (neem extract) OMRI listed
-Botanical insecticide/nematicide derived from the neem tree (Azadirachta indica) that controls and repels over 300 insect species across a wide range.
Bio Ceres WP (beneficial fungus) OMRI listed
-Naturally occurring mycoinsecticide of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana strain ANT-03 used to combat and control insect pests.
Cease (beneficial bacteria) OMRI listed
-Naturally occurring strain of the bacterium Bacillus subtilis used to provide control of a wide array of both fungal and bacterial pathogens
Double Nickel 55 (beneficial bacteria) OMRI listed
Naturally occurring strain of the bacterium Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain D747 used to provide control of a wide array of both fungal and bacterial pathogens
EcoWorks EC (cold pressed neem extract) OMRI listed
-Derived from 100% cold-pressed neem oil, containing azadirachtins, neem limonoids, fatty acids, esters and synergistic inerts for maximized efficacy.
Hormex #8 (rooting hormone)
-Applied to cuttings to induce rooting. Free of alcohol, dyes and preservatives
LALGuard M52 GR (beneficial fungi) OMRI listed
-Naturally occurring mycoinsecticide of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium brunneum strain F52 used to combat and control insect pests.
NoFly WP (beneficial fungi) OMRI listed
-Naturally occurring mycoinsecticide of the entomopathogenic fungus Isaria fumosoroseus strain FE 9901 used to combat and control insect pests.
Pyganic EC 5.0 II (chrysanthemum flower extract) OMRI listed
-The active ingredient (pyrethrin) is organically derived from the chrysanthemum flower and one of the oldest natural insecticides in the world with one of the best safety records of any insecticide.
Sil-Matrix LC (potassium silicate) OMRI listed
-Organically derived preventive fungicide and miticide/insecticide. Forms a physical barrier within the leaf cuticle that prevents penetration of fungal diseases
Suffoil-X (mineral oil) OMRI listed
-Highly refined mineral oil that leaves no toxic residues used to combat both insects and fungal diseases.
Venerate XC (beneficial bacteria) OMRI listed
-With several modes of action, the active ingredient Burkholderia spp. strain A396 (heat-killed cells and spent fermentation media) controls insects.
ZeroTol 2.0 (general disinfectant) OMRI listed
-A combination of Hydrogen Peroxide and Peroxyacetic Acid prevents, suppresses, and controls a wide range of pathogens on plants with zero residue.
Pacific & Pine (Frozen Farms)
Pinnacle NW(Kush Fam/PNW Roots): IPM - Plant Sucrose, Clones - Suffoil X